Hey there,
I am so happy that you are here. What was it about my work that caught your attention? What spoke to you?
You have landed here purposefully, and I am eager to connect with you, if what you read below resonates.

After taking a bit of time off since becoming a Mom, I am now taking new clients!
If the words below speak to your soul, maybe it’s our time to work together. ✨
My souls mission is to serve woman, of all ages, who are going through major life transitions.
Does this sound about right? (Read Below)
You have entered the metamorphsis stage, where the catepillar morphs into the butterfly.
Many people don’t talk about the stages of metamorphosis, but see if this resonates with you...
You have found yourself in a very disorienting place, where you are no longer a caterpillar, but not yet a butterfly. So who are you? Well if we are sticking to the phases of metamorphosis that a catepillar goes through to become a butterfly, then right now, you have entered the liquid goo phase. This is when the catepillar literally dissolves into liquid goo before transforming into a beautiful butterfly.
It can feel really confusing, which is why I like to use this mantra when I find myself in this season of life: I don’t know what the hell is going on and that’s okay!
Maybe you have recently left your job and you are searching for your next career endeavor, but you have no idea what that looks like...
You have gone through a heartbreaking experience, such as a breakup, and your heart needs tended to.
You have become a mom and life feels so fragile and scary and you need some 1:1 support to help you find yourself again.
You know something in your life needs to change, but you feel terrified and unsure of your next move.
I help woman claim their power and connect to their inner wisdom. We are all intuitive beings, but have been taught to forget about this power we all possess.
If you work with me, I will help you unlock your intuitive knowing, so that you can learn to trust yourself again and create a life that feels true and meaningful for you.
If this speaks to you, book a soul connection call.